What if you viewed your relationship with your business as you do with a loved one or a respected supervisor? How would your approach change? If you brought a personal approach to your business, feeling yourself in a healthy and reciprocal relationship to it, then what effect might that have on the kind of attention, attitude, and energy you bring to it?
Attention: In personal relationships we often speak of quality time mattering more than quantity. So, ask yourself: What is the quality of attention you currently bring to your business development? How do you measure this? Do you know your business and industry needs? What steps does that lead you to take to stay on top of operations, understand market trends, and be responsive to changes? What defines "quality attention" for you - this week - in your business? How did your business respond to the attention you gave it last week and what does that tell you?
Attitude: What attitude do you bring to your business each day? How would you react if someone you care about brought that attitude to you? Are you happy to interact - and even play - with and through your business? How might an attitude of playfulness support your business? Which attitude might help you to overcome challenges and inspire your team, or build one? What tone would you like to set for your overall business environment?
Energy: How much energy do you want to invest in your business? Is it more or less than now? How do you determine what is enough? What are the sources of your passion and dedication? How does the effort you put into your business contribute to its growth and success? How might you connect your business activity more to your sources of passion and dedication without hurting your health and wellbeing or that of a loved one?
In the same way we nurture personal relationships, we can also nurture our relationship to our business. What aspects of your attention, attitude, and energy would you like to master? ... which can you control? Being responsive and engaged can undoubtedly benefit business development. What level of engagement and responsiveness do you want to sustain most weeks? And what would that look like for you in actual practice?
By viewing your business relationship through this personal lens, what adjustments might you want to make? What meaningful and productive connections can you foster? And finally, how might this approach lead to greater success and fulfillment for you and your business?
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